Short and sweet this entry, will try again when I'm more tuned in!
Sunday, 4 May 2008
May already
Short and sweet this entry, will try again when I'm more tuned in!
Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Challenge Art Doll

The pics above show the figure in embryonic form! The initial armature (on the right) being made with strong stems from discarded fabric flowers that were donated to our next jumble sale! The stems were already covered in a plastic finish, ideal to prevent any internal rusting. The flowers and leaves were stripped off, then I manipulated the several stems, into a shape that I liked and that would also stand alone.
The armature needed an overall cover, so I opted for some stretchy, hospital hose! (obtained from our local 'Scrapstore' and all unused!) The picture on the left shows the figure next, with a layering of Modroc, to give her strength and stability, for when the North Wind doth blow.
She was quite likely to keel over before!
She's patiently drying at the moment, whilst I gather in tangles of vine growth from 'Old Man's Beard', found in the hedgerows nearby. Not sure what the real name of it is, but it's part of the Clematis family and commonly known as ' Mile-a-Minute-Vine', because its growth is rampant!
I want to dry some of the vine and then incorporate it into the figures clothing later. Though I have an idea how I am going to form this figure, don't hold me to it! She's morphed already from the original picture in my mind, and then each time I look at her, 'Creative Gene' suggests another little twist! So she's evolving, rather like our world.
The builders have overrun my home this week and I'm forced to stay in and monitor things, but the good news is that, I've caught up on some braille for work, so feel less guilty at having to take time off.
The red bag I was knitting is completed, but I want it to have one final wash, now it has handles and inner pocket in place, before I picture it as a finished article. I have wrapped the handles in the same yarn and made a huge pink flower to go on the front, so if it survives another wash, I will record it on here.
Monday, 10 March 2008
New medical condition, 'Builders Rage'
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
All the same family?
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Ahhhh . . . that wasn't supposed to happen!

Sunday, 2 March 2008
Mothers Day
Bright sunny weather, with a fresh and furious wind to be fair but not cold.
I had a sleep in,then LD ( Lovely Daughter Tylah) arrived home from a night out and needed to be taken to work lol
Called for her pal who was sound asleep in bed still!
These nights out with alcohol on pay day, are all very well, if they can get up the next morning, for work! Anyways, a huge hand tied bunch of thread carnations, lilies and orchids with a stunning card............sucha fabulously thoughtful wording in it too...........and a cd!
EB (Evolving Bloke, my son) text me at 3pm to say Happy Mothers Day mind you lol
He did offer me a meal out, but I talked him round to caulking the bath for me and fitting a ceiling light!
Will be just as pleased with that done in truth.
I dared the breeze and hit the car boot, and found very little this week but, having said that I did find some wooden door wedges for 20p each. They look like little figures so will take before and after pics, when I get round to altering them.
I may well use one as a door wedge, novel eh?
The pic above is a lapel or beanie hat pin, will post afew more of what Ive been playing at making, when I have collecetd said LD, from work............
Her name by the way is my own creation.........Tyler the lads name,
which I had quite liked but wouldnt have chosen... in the unlikely event, I thought then, of having a girl...wouldnt it be nice and feminised by adding ah, instead of er... so Tylah it is. Fortuneatly she likes her name and both her Dad and I loved it.
We had both agreed on our son, the EB, being called Mitchell and he likes his name too ....phew!
Well it's alot to saddle a child into adult with isn't it, if they hate it!
The pin above is recogniseably retro fabrics I think you'll agree!
I have a mountain of pieces of similar fabrics that cry out to be in your face and I admit to becoming obsessed about making them at the moment.
Saturday, 1 March 2008
I have made quite afew AtCs, most of which I haven't taken photos of as yet.

Friday, 29 February 2008
Black Gesso Sampler

This is my foray into useing black gesso. I attended a workshop with Josie Storey and the idea was to embed string, net, scrunched up fabrics etc in gesso, on a cheap and cheerful canvas.
I had done this myself before but knew I would pick something new up and enjoy the workshop experience in any case.
Josie is a enjoyable tutor and was kind enough to let me use her black gesso, something I hadn't played with before!
I covered the canvas with a liberal coating of the gesso, sprinkled on some small squares of cut vertical blinds and then brushed over them too, with the gesso.
The canvas is about 8" x 6" and the squares were about 1 cm ..... (you work the math out!!)
I dry brushed Stewart Gill paint onto the small higgledy-piggledy squares to get that irridescance.......reminiscent of the gleam on fresh bacon! (apologies to the vegetarians amongst us ) Then I lightly painted on a clear sparkly top coat paint, from the DIY store, a much better buy!
The flower I made from fine voile and dampened, moulded, sinamey and hand stitched it into place. The central 'stamens' are simply grouped bunches of embroidery threads and silvery thread interspersed within. Afew silvery cross stitches amongst the background and it felt finished.
So give that black gesso a try next time you see it on the store shelf!
And the small squares of vertical blind? I got them at our local 'Scrapstore', which is an Aladins Cave of clean industrial waste materials for Clartists like me.....Oh! and the various member groups like Play Groups and Schools, Child Minders, Community Clubs etc.
Find out if you have one within striking distance!
Something we with sight, take so much for granted of course.
Most of the children I make these resources for are pre school or early years, some are in special schools with other health issues as well, but most are integrated, successfully, within state schooling.
I am employed by the Council and count myself as very lucky to do this for a living.
I have written original stories myself, and have tactile copies with Grade 1 Braille, which are for sale upon request. They should however always be used under strict adult supervision. Since we all know how innovative small children are at swallowing things they shouldn't, or sticking things in their ears or up noses!
I take no responsibility for unsupervised use!
Most recently I dressed a Barbie doll in period costume, simulating the pantaloons, chemise, corset, underskirt, day dress, button boots and shawl that Florence Nightingale might have worn.
I also recreated a tactile copy of the Florence Nightingale Medal awarded to Nurses for bravery beyond the call of duty.
All to ensure a child with no sight, could take something other than verbal information from a lesson.
I make what a peripetetic teacher feels might enable a child under their care, to access the curriculum easier. If I can think laterally and devise and make something 'outside the box', as it were, then that's a great challenge for me and I have the satisfaction of knowing it may well help that child understand and hopefully enjoy a lesson.
I'm making cvc word dominoes at the moment, so it's a varied workload!
Daily work

liniecat at large . . .
(Whose a Smart Arse now then? Yes, point taken. lol)
So dear folks, if you pop in , this is ME!
Who am I?
I'm in 'muddleage' but quick witted, and not-that-half-daft a woman, who has had a fascinating life, been round the world twice and many off route places in between . . is happy in her own company ( especially since divorce, sadly)
and mother of two wonderful offspring.
I'm a 'Creative'.
Not an alien life form no, rather a person who HAS to make things.
I HAVE to, I don't choose to exactly. It's an intuitive need within me, that's been there, fermenting away since I was a lonely, only child.
Creativity is, I have come to realise, my Companion, my Therapy and my Muse
and as far as company goes . . . I am thankful for it's inspiring companionship.
So bear with me, Dear Reader, for I am learning as I go and will divulge as I progress no doubt, so you get to see the Creative within.
This Blog is to show and tell I suppose really . . . settle down Paparazzi . . .
I was thinking more of showing my crafts and achievements lol
along with the inevitable things that went wrong along the way, I'm sure too!