Sunday, 1 June 2014

Productive hexi-ing

June already - scary! We are half way through another year -

Have been hexi-ing some more -

Found this little tapestry at a charity shop, it was all squished out of shape so I'm pulling it back into what it should be.
I fancy using it as a centre to a cushion perhaps.
Thanks to Jean for noticing I forgot to put this last pic in! duhhhh
: )


  1. clever use of the pattern. love it.

  2. Did you ever locate the lost hexxie project?? I've been meaning to ask about it.

  3. Love your hexing, Lyn! Still amazes me how you do that. :)

  4. I love "fussy cut" hexies! And these are quite pretty indeed.

  5. The blue and orange batik is producing some gorgeous blocks! Charity shops are great places to go shopping for little treasures!
