Wednesday 5 January 2011

Topic Boxes coming along

 WW1 here with Tommys helmet ( plastic salad dish that was) pull on trench gas mask, mini wreath and christian, star of david and muslim crosses, tin mug and a tactile paper plan of a trench system, brailled word/flashcards....oh and some 1915-19 old penny coins in the bag.
 The trench model and .303 (Sopwith camel thru to the Spitfire)and .50 ( no idea but told WW1 aircraft ) calibre replica weapons plus loads of printed, laminated and brailled information sheets.

A pinny, old tie and a headscarf with instructions how to tie it so you look like that lass did in 'An Officer and a Gentleman', plus a pretend gas mask in the box!

This is the Roman Box with dressed figures, a tactile plan of Housesteads Fort, a sword, a little oil lamp, a tactile plan of the Roman Empire, some replica chain mail and laminar mail, an amphora jar in bubble wrap, a mosaic tree shape, a batch of oils to sniff at and some mock armour. Plus lots of printed, laminated and brailled info sheets.

The Vikings box has a brailled version of an old Discovery series magazine, brailled word/flash cards, 2 cloth figures, a helmet ( a veg strainer), chain mail, foam reinforced axe,

a foam reinforced sword, a Viking longship, roman replica coins, runes and a fabric tabbard ( in the zippy bag), tactile picture of a long ship and printed, laminated,brailled info sheets.
Ive yet to photograph the Pirates box lol but its here, above! And the skull n crossbones on the flag is tactile so it can be felt with the fingers.
They are taking shape at last! And I call this

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