Well, I did attach that piece of frazzled upholstery fabric and prefer it now that the overall shape
is more balanced.
http://spiritcloth.typepad.com/ This is the link to Judes blog and online classes, hadn't got it to hand when I mentioned her in a previous post. Her work is simply wonderful and her animals are just a joy.
I'm doing her Cloth to Cloth which is the precursor to other, more involved classes of hers. Some of which are to be released on dvd...and I may have to treat myself to those lol
I won't divulge her methods but this is one of the samples I did using her ideas. Jude likes to use old shirts and clothing and I did make a block with some shirting Id been given. Although it was beautifully soft I could not get inspired by the fabrics. I seem to have a glitch in my brain and see those shirt checks in Janet Bolton designs.........which are formulating in my minds eye and have been for a while now. But my own versions using her style, rather than recreating her actual designs themselves.
This little Jude style sample used up many of the oddments from bits used in the little lady above, so I can see several more like this one evolving. I love to sit and take from a bag of bits and create then
hand stitch from there....too lazy to waltz upstairs to the workroom...some might say....yes Jean your probably right!