I have finished two more trees, the one above is a 20" diameter lampshade ring
and the one below is 12".
Actually somethings missing from the smaller one now I look at it, so think I will add abit more ground foliage to it I think.
The larger tree has a red eyed dargon broach tucked into the ground at the front but it cant be seen clearly on this piccy. There is also a small bird sat swinging in a metal swing, barely visible on the right hand side.
Gosh wish I was any good at photography!
Ive just signed up for 8 new workshops with Shelagh Folgate, which will be fun, they start in December, running through till next March. Ive been on several of Shelaghs workshop challenges, which up till now had been limited entry and free!
Theyve been great and have stimulated me into tackling methods Id put off doing lol
The price at £40 is very reasonable for the amount of tuition, 8 workshops remember! So if your at all interested in having a little something ELSE to work on through the winter months ( well it is winter here in the Uk !) then trot on over and catch up with her new workshop offer!
There will be yahoo group to be a part of so we can share our mistakes as well as our successful results!
And no, I am not affiliated in any way or about to get commision on folks memberships, but I do know a good thing when I see one!
Right Im off to finish the last of my styalised roses for the current 'Shelaghs Challenge' ........ Im about a month behind and spent much of that time looking for my blessed pinking shears!
Almost went and bought new ones!
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