This lady had been very kind to my daughter and thought alot of her, though I didnt get to know her at all well then, the celebration of her life made me realise Id missed out.
Made me think that my two wouldnt know what music to play at my own 'do' so maybe I should put a plan into action, to make it easier for them to organise things, when I trip away to who knows where.
(Hopefully not just yet .... )
Plus it also made me realise I probably wouldnt have anyone there to say such great things about me, to help my kids, so they might know who the real me, was? Does that make sense? lol Dont worry, not looking for volunteers!
Sad that when we pass away , all the amazing things we have seen and done, that have been special to us, moulded us, changed us, thrilled us, is lost and our kids know nothing of any of it.
Unless it has been written down, recorded some place I suppose.
Anyway afterwards, I went to the coast and I took some time out on both North Beach, Bridlington and then Fraisthorpe beach to the south.
The coast has a calming effect on me but poor Tylah had to go to work afterwards, pity. So piccies of what I saw ... patterns and textures ..
The one on the rights almost like a middle finger salute! (sorry lol)
Fraisthorpe beach is littered with huge war defences that have fallen apart now and the muscle growths above, cover enormous 6' square concrete whatever the were's, but I loved the gnarled wood as much as the encrusted,largely vacant muscle beds textures.
Above right looked for all the world like a fossilised fish, but was infact concrete remains broken off the defences and submerging into the sand....but when I printed it off ...well ....

Over the glorious weekend, (no sign of the sun today mind you) I did a little bit in the garden and also some clarty bits, so see what a difference a week makes to the primroses!

And those accidental backgrounds I ended up with?
Wall art of a kind. I dribbled pva glue on them, which I then dribbled Crafty Notions special effects paint on, let it set for a while and then heat gunned it all, to get the horse(?) effect and the raised squiggles. The pva balloons up when heated and then, deflates into an almost leathery remains.
I mentioned the odd coloured cd packets I think, that were at Scrapstore and here they are as you find them ..
Im not really sure if they are Tyvek or a Kunin fabric but they do zap down and the odd plastic, feels as if it should 'do' something too.
SO, I painted afew and will see what happens with them, as I go along.
further than youd think.