I set the alarm and go up at 3am this morning and sat out back in the darkness watching the end of lunar eclipse.
It was delightful out there and pleasant, not at all cold.
I stayed out till the moon was half way full and should have
stayed longer but I needed a pee lol
It had a rosy look but I wished my eyesight was still 20/20
or Id had a telescope.
I'm going to do my very best to stay alive and sane enough
to watch the next one!
It's done : )
And even more surprising is that when my daughter saw it she asked if I'd made it, Yes says I - hmm, says she, well could she have it!
Yes, says I with a smile .....
though you could have knocked me over with a feather!
Here's my 2yr old grandaughter, one of 5 little bridesmaids
looking bored at only the dressing stage, well before the wedding at the brides house lol
By we got to the church, she'd bent her wand almost into a right angle and the headband was on and off so many times,
I thought it would break lol
She really did look lovely though but I'm not sure
she smiled in any of the photos!

And here she is at mine after a busy morning playing,
with Harvey keeping her safe and stop her falling off!
And yet another waistcoat for work
You know, I've seen Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt blocks
on so many blogs that I follow and couldn't really see what
the passion was about them,
then I realised they were only 6" square!
So I thought I would send for the book for our stitchy club library
and it arrived today.
Well, what a charming book!
I'm hooked lol I'm keeping it for myself.
I hadn't realised the premise behind the quilt design.
In 1922 The Farmers Wife Magazine for farmers wives,
ran a competition and they asked readers this question.
"If you had a daughter of marriageable age, would you, in light of
your own experience, want her to marry a farmer?"
The editors were overwhelmed by the response,
they had over 7000 replies and 94% of farm wives stated that,
yes, they would want their daughters to marry farmers.
Well Laurie Aaron Hird gathered 111 of the letters and
devised small sampler blocks to accompany the letters.
The letters are charming and so interesting to read
so yes, I have fallen under the spell.
The book comes with a cd which has the templates on
so you can print them off yourself.
I also sent for the book
Little Quilts by Sarah Fielke and Amy Lobsiger
for the stitchy club library....
guess what?
I'm going to have to keep that one too!
My excuse is that the little mini quilts are a perfect size for
practising ( learning ) to machine quilt on.
I can totally recommend each book although I am going
to be living on eggy bread and home grown chopped tomatoes
for afew weeks now.