I was asked to make up some waistcoats that physically disabled children could wear, then have another child unfasten things on it. They would then swap over the wearing and unfastening. Naturally I recycled as much as possible, cutting bits off scraps of old clothing I'd already gathered for much this kind of little resource. There's a large press stud beneath the glittery pom pom on the right and on the back is a buckle, but the pictures colour has gone skew whiff I notice, how odd ! This was a prototype made with the fabric that they cover hospital chairs with, waterproof and wipe clean, but although its going to be used for purpose, I didn't much like it's rigidity. So the second one is made out of some trouser fabric and is much better to handle. I have to make two more for them, each one with slightly different fastenings.
I had gotten tired of hand stitching the scrappy patchwork covers. All four cushion tops are made with 3 still needing to be lightly quilted, then all backed, but there's no rush for them yet. I want to finish them off by backing them with the machine stitch, rather than hand stitching anyway, so need to wait till I'm moved in the new place. I have started making crochet daisy hexis with oddments of wool. The urge came upon me to do something with wool when I saw the pattern on a wonderful blog I follow sandra-cherryheart.blogspot.com/p/tutorials.html
Sandras blog is an interesting blog to follow and there are some delightful tutorials on there which are beautifully put together for us to learn from. Her pattern for these Daisy Puffagons is well explained in her tutorial with clear pictures and she has made a striking bag with them which is worth back tracking posts to see.
I am still sharing a rented flat with my daughter, her hubby and the 5 month old Evie and we are all still on speaking terms - lol but I am hoping to move into my new (old) place in a week or so. I will however be camping in the main bedroom and simply stock piling all my belongings in the loft, other bedroom and in the back, downstairs room. The idea being that at least I can get the animals out of cattery/kennel and stop paying for storage, live whilst I await my son having chance to fit the new ( little) kitchen and lay laminate down for me downstairs.
Anyway I took some photos which you might like to see of a Vintage only, charity shop here in Hull. Dove House Hospice has somewhat of a monopoly on charity shops in and around Hull but they do such remarkable work I suppose we can't object to their fund raising shops. They not long back opened a shop specifically for vintage items and I finally made a visit - so here we are, enjoy and let me know if anything strikes a chord in your memories won't you!
Okay, wallpaper that is ... because yes, I finally have the keys to my new place - yeahhhhh! Normality is on my horizon at last : ) However, there's a lot of wallpaper stripping, a bit of re-plastering, a kitchen and bathroom removal and refitting, painting and shifting of the boiler to be done, so not a quick fix. But the plan is for me to camp there in a week or so whilst we do what we can, when we can. My son is doing the harder graft for me and my daughter has so far, stripped out the major part of the kitchen bless her! I am going to need to get my furniture out of storage sooner, rather than later so will have to get the house somewhere near enough habitable and of course my dog and 2 cats are 'on holiday' so they too need to come to the new home, its been 3+ weeks away already for them. Anyways, I will be back on here in no time, so please don't write me off just yet lol I've finally got internet connection back too now so at last able to cruise blogs and catch up on what your all up to : ) Happy days are coming - along with our blessed Winter!