The beams, looking paler here than they actually are, skid across the sky and uplight the underside of the clouds. I could almost hear the wailing sirens that would have accompanied the old war time searchlights......even though I HONESTLY wasnt alive back then.....Ive seen it on the tele lol
And this is the third Mr Finch creation I have bought, but this one must go as a christmas gift.............I simply must not keep this for msyelf as well! But I love the use ofthe old textiles and here, the tapestry.
It works so well as wings!
The house is up for sale and not a soul has been to see it! So its hard not to think Fate is telling me stay ~ but its early days so I will give it another month or three, before I change my mind about moving....again!
Meanwhile I am decluttering bit by bit.............some stash to Scrapstore, some to the charity shop, some to a crafting colleague and alot still left to re-sort or keep.............
Work is having a shake up and the Service itself is undergoing a radical change, so we all wait with bated breath, to see if our jobs are going to be kept on, altered or downgraded in any way.
Not great for morale let's face it but not worth worrying about it yet. Time for that when I know if Im being made redundant and at the rate 'they' are making decisions, I could be waiting for a long time for news....
Okay best crack on with the sorting stuff out.
Hope all is well with you folks !